Sponsor a Guest Artist
When you sponsor a guest artist, you are sponsoring one of our eminent visiting artists to perform at a QPAC Subscription concert.

As a Guest Artist Sponsor you will receive special recognition on all concert advertising, including, but not limited to, posters, flyers, concert programs, and the Southern Cross Soloists website, recognition during the Chair’s curtain speech, an autographed poster, the opportunity to meet and greet the guest artist and sit in on the rehearsal,two concert tickets and two drink tickets.
By cheque
Payable to Southern Cross Soloists Music Ltd, mailed to:
PO BOX 3679, South Brisbane QLD, 4101
Please include your contact details with any cheque mailed.
Direct transfer
Account name: Southern Cross Soloists Music Ltd
BSB: 064-102
Account number: 10327484
Contact us to discuss your donation
TELEPHONE: Maxine – 0439 706 785
EMAIL: manager@southernxsoloists.com