QPAC Concert Hall – February 20, 2022

"James Wannan’s devilishly difficult execution seemed effortless on the viola, earning him MVP (Most Valuable Player) of the concert, with Konstantin Shamray coming a close second!" ★★★★ – LIMELIGHT MAGAZINE >
Photos by Darren Thomas

Oboe soloist Tania Frazer performing Hasse’s aria “Mea tormenta, properate! (My torments, hurry to me!) with the Southern Cross Soloists and guest artists.

The Southern Cross Soloists and guest solo cellist Jonathan Békés perform David Popper’s Hungarian Rhapsody, Op. 68.

Chris Williams and Southern Cross Soloists perform the world premiere of of Sean O’Boyle’s ‘Beerwah’ The Mother of the Glasshouse Mountains, as part of the new SXS Didgeridoo Commissioning Project.

Chris Williams, Didgeridoo & SXS Artist in Residence.

Jonathan Henderson, Dario Scalabrini, Tania Frazer & Chris Williams.

Guest hornist Natalie Edwards.

The Southern Cross Soloists with viola soloist James Wannan, performing Berlioz's Harold in Italy.

Konstantin Shamray, piano soloist & SXS Artist in Residence.

Guest clarinettist Dario Scalabrini.

Natalie Edwards, Jonathan Henderson, Dario Scalabrini & Tania Frazer.

Flute soloist Jonathan Henderson.

SXS perform Prokofiev's Third Piano Concerto with Konstantin Shamray.
